Stress Management for the Trauma Service Provider

This important course is for all who work with traumatized people. Explore the “Stress Continuum,” the levels of stress including eustress (i.e., beneficial, motivating stress), traumatic stress, burnout, countertransference, compassion fatigue or secondary PTSD, and vicarious traumatization which may occur as a result of helping others. A discussion of coping strategies for those who work with traumatized children will also be offered. Individual self-report exercises and an experiential group support session will assist the participating trauma provider in assessing their own level of stress through sharing personal experiences with others. Stress management self care techniques will be presented, experienced and discussed.

This course is appropriate for all mental health professionals, emergency services personnel, and peer counselors.

Program Highlights:

  • The “Stress continuum”
  • Signs and symptoms of excessive stress
  • Stress as related to work as a “trauma provider”
  • A variety of stress management techniques
  • Stress management in relation to “context”
  • Vicarious traumatization, compassion fatigue and burnout
  • Stress “resilience”
  • Achieve resilience and effective self care
  • Motivating factors for the work we do
  • Working with trauma survivors

Successful completion of the Approved Instructor Candidate Program will allow you to teach this curriculum to others. Continuing education will be required to maintain your instructor status.

Prerequisites for Participation in the Approved Instructor Candidate Program:

  • Completion of the following ICISF courses as taught by ICISF or by an approved ICISF instructor. (Copies of certificates of completion are required to accompany the application.)
    • Group Crisis Intervention
    • Individual Crisis Intervention and Peer Support
  • A letter of recommendation from a local, state or regional CISM team or agency / institution dated within three months of application due date.*
  • A letter of endorsement from a local, state or regional CISM coordinator or clinical director dated within three months of application due date.** At least one of the letters of recommendation must attest to the instructor candidate’s teaching ability of stress management.   If neither of the aforementioned letters can do so, a third letter must be submitted.
  • Active membership on a crisis intervention team.
  • Current ICISF membership.
  • A copy of a current CV or resume.
  • Official course application form.
  • A brief statement outlining:
    1. Your crisis intervention/CISM experience.
    2. Your instructional experience, including teaching stress management concepts.
    3. Reasons for applying for ICISF Approved Instructor Training.
  • Please note the Stress Management for the Trauma Service Provider course is NOT a prerequisite for this Approved Instructor Candidate Program.