Video Resources
RISE (Resilience In Stressful Events)
ICISF World Congress Co-Presenter: Cheryl Connors – Patient Safety Specialist, MS, RN, NEA-BC, Johns Hopkins Medicine Co-Presenter: Albert Wu
The Dividends of Front End Resilience Education on Maryland Law Enforcement
Based on lessons learned from the 2017 World Congress, a number of Baltimore area law enforcement peer support elements have actively pursued the implementation of front end wellness and resilience education in an effort to inoculate their members against the impact of critical incidents and chronic stress.
Resiliency: Taking the Next Step
Presented by Jama Brookes
If a person loses their balance and begins to fall backwards, they lack the ability to catch themselves, but if they fall forwards, they naturally will take a step. “Resiliency: Taking the Next Step” explores resilience before, during, and after a critical incident.
CISM is a Social Movement
ICISF CEO Rick Barton, shares his perspective at Crisis, Stress and Human Resilience: ICISF’s 15th World Congress