Tritt, RN, MA, Patricia L.

Pat is a long time EMS educator and has been responsible for the administration of comprehensive EMS education programs for all levels of prehospital providers.  She has also provided administrative direction for a Level I Trauma Center. Pat has been a CoAEMSP site visitor and Board member and is currently a technical consultant to the CoAEMSP. Pat is an ICISF faculty member and has trained crisis support teams in a variety of countries including Canada, Australia, Portugal, Ireland, and Singapore. Her experience and interests include program development and management. She organized the Mayflower Crisis Support Team and serves as Team Coordinator. Pat has received: recognition for contributions to Colorado EMS: C. J. Shanaberger Award; 9 Who Care Award as a leader of volunteer services in Colorado; NAEMT President’s Leadership Award, ICISF Award for Collaborative Outreach in the Field of Crisis Response; Daniel L. Storer, MD Award for contributions to the EMS professions; 2012 Swedish Medical Center Leadership Award, Colorado EMSAC Presidents Award, and National Association of EMS Educators Legends That Walk Among Us award.