Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Awareness Day & Resources

This Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Awareness Day, we’ve included some words about Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Posttraumatic Stress Injury (PTSI) from one of ICISF’s Co-Founders, Dr. George Everly, along with a variety of resources to help you and your peers.
Postttaumatic stress (PTS) is an intense stress reaction that many people experience after being exposed to a traumatic event.  PTS is perhaps best thought of as a form of psychological survival mechanism akin to the fight or flight response.
Postttaumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) however is a more severe version of that same stress reaction. PTSD arises when that stress reaction interferes with one’s personal and or professional life. In my opinion, PTSD is best thought of as a stress injury, not a disorder. As such it should be renamed Postttaumatic Stress Injury or PTSI. 
Because PTSD/PTSI is a stress reaction, the use of an integrated continuum of services such as CISM with its peer support focus is indicated and should be employed in any organization that puts its personnel in harms way for psychological stress related injury.
George S. Everly, Jr., PhD, CCISM (ICISF Co-Founder)

10% Discount on Psychological Body Armor™

Your Bookstore for CISM Resources, offers a 10% discount on Dr. Everly’s Field Guide “Psychological Body Armor™“! The goal of this book is to reduce the risk of psychological injury, much the same as physical body armor reduces the risk of physical injury.

Additional Resources

PTSD911 Documentary Film: Shining a Light on PTSD & First Responders (Conrad Weaver)

Listen as we speak with guest speaker Conrad Weaver on “PTSD911 Documentary Film: Shining a Light on PTSD & First Responders”.

Video Resources

Crisis Journal
